by Alliance Historical Society | Apr 14, 2020 | Events, Historic facts
#17. The Olive Poisoning Kills Seven Col. Charles C. Weybrecht was a big man physically with a warm and winning personality to match. He was liked by all who knew him and one could not imagine his having an enemy. From an early age, the military had a strong appeal to...
by Alliance Historical Society | Sep 1, 2019 | Events
What Happened to the Other Guests?As we conclude our story of the Great Olive Poisoning of 1919, we return once again to the retelling of the story by William H. Morgan, who later became the President of Morgan Engineering in Alliance, Ohio. He wrote this history of...
by Alliance Historical Society | Aug 31, 2019 | Events
Aftermath for the Morgan Family We return to the final portions of the story as told by William H. Morgan, son of Col. Morgan, who was just 15 years old at the time of the dinner party. Aftermath. Mother [Annette Sharer Morgan] later admitted that she was very ill the...
by Alliance Historical Society | Aug 30, 2019 | Events
The Final VictimSaturday, August 30, 1919 The final victim of the olive poisoning, Jessie Sanford, died. Reports on Mary Bates said that she was barely holding on. The headline of The Alliance Review now referred to the dinner party as the “death...
by Alliance Historical Society | Aug 29, 2019 | Events
Funerals Are Held for the DeadFriday, August 29, 1919 The entry in William H. Morgan’s accounting of the Olive Poisoning for August 29 is very brief but relates how difficult a day it was: This was a difficult day. Uncle John and Aunt Kit Sharer were buried in...