by Alliance Historical Society | May 25, 2021 | Sports
Athletic Wonder: Alliance’s Peg Oswalt by Jack Weber Athletic Wonder: Alliance’s Peg Oswalt was known nationwide for one-legged abilities. But sadly, the legend of Virgil G. Oswalt has been lost to history. However, in 1916, he was an all-around athlete...
by Alliance Historical Society | May 14, 2021 | Sports
Field at Morgan Avenue and Garwood Street was once site of many athletic events by Jack Weber A little-known monument stands at the southeast corner of Garwood Street and Morgan Avenue. The small bronze plate attached to a short concrete pillar represents a time...
by Alliance Historical Society | Apr 30, 2019 | Sports
On April 29, 2019, Stark Parks held a ceremony at Rodman Public Library to celebrate the beginning of the 1.74 mile connector trail that will join the Iron Horse Trail to the south with the Mahoning Valley Trail to the north. Construction of the trail will follow the...